* Join the Leaky Homepage Ring! *

All these punks are surfing the net, but what happens if your website springs a leak on the open web?! Its happening all the time! Aaaa what will we do? Never fear! *hands you a mop and bucket* Now get to work u bilge rat!

This web ring slowly fills your site up with water! You and your visitors can work together to keep it clear and dry! Just click the water to bilge it away! This is a passive mass-multiplayer bilging cooperative!

Sites experiencing a leak!

These websites appear to be expiring a leak! Maybe you'd like to visit them and help them bilge things out a bit!

ALERT! This site list is automated ~ if you encounter an inappropriate site please report it!

Can my site experience a leak?

Yes you can join the Leaky Ring too! Just copy the code to your site! (Put it at the very end of your page)
(Neocities sites made after Jan 2024 require Supporter ~ All Nekoweb sites work fine! ~ Other hosts should be fine!)

You can also customise your flood! Just include an extra script that overwrites anything you wanna alter.
Here is a sample that floods your site with slimy green goo instead of water :O


  1. Q: Will my site sink?! A: Maybe! But I wouldn't worry about it!
  2. Q: Is this really multiplayer? A: Yes! The water level is the same for everyone!
  3. Q: Will it "leak" my data? A: I hope not! The only data collected is the domain list, water level and time since last bilge!
  4. Q: How fast does the water rise? A: Sites are submerged in around 5 hours :o
  5. Q: When do leaks get reset! A: Leaks only reset if the leak server restarts for maintenance!
  6. Q: When will my site appear on the leak list? A: As soon as you add the code!
  7. Q: I want to leave the ring! A: Thats fine! Remove the script and after a few hours your site will vanish from the list!
  8. Q: Im getting a CORS error or no leak! A: Make sure your web host allows AJAX to other servers! (Pester them!)
  9. Q: How can I make the flood appear behind my iframe? A: In CSS set the z-index of #flood to 1 and your iframe to 2!
  10. Q: Can I download the script/CSS and modify it for my site? A: Yes u can! You can also overwrite any CSS using an extra style tag!