Melon's Software

This beautiful hypertext zone is where you will find OFFICIAL melon software, its a useful place to pick up some tools for your computer to make it umm cool and stuff.

Download Web Tools!

Gallery Maker!

A little static HTML photo/gif gallery generator!

SAve MY nEOCiTy!

Download your Neocities site with a click!

Matchstick BUILDER

A lil 3D program that lets you build matchstick models!

JavaScripts and Snippets!

Leaky Homepage Ring

A script / ring that floods your site with water!

Frame Link System

A script that fixes URLs on iFrame and FrameSet homepages!

Swatch/.beat Clock

A lil script to display Swatch Time on your site!

Site Closer Script

Close your site on Mondays! (Or any other day)