Woah, here you can download some 3D models to use in your projects, many are from games Iv made/am making, you're free to use them for stuff, just be sure to link back!
HOW DO I USE IT?!?!? FBX files are for importing into Unity, Blender or most other 3D programs. GLFT files are for Three.js and other web based 3D scripts. If you need X3D format, import the FBX to blender and export it as X3D! If you NEED help, ask on the forum. I also have a beginners X3D guide here!
A purple shard of crystal, suitable for low poly worlds. Features in ALL of may games. You might be as cool as me if you use it.
The embodiment of darkness and DOOOM, yes you will have 10% more darkness in your life if you use this artefact.
This is a room with snakes n crap, I often use it as a test room for new 3D worlds. The FBX version has ADVANCED lighting.
You can visit the snake room here!
My personal favourite, always amazed by everything, can fly apparently, also known as cone head and doughnut boy.
Nombegs are misunderstood and hard workers, you can find them in the city at the end of the universe!
Tall, has spikes on their back, can drill through time with their head.
Lord Yolto lives in a big cone and enjoys fishing, says WHAT HO at every possible occasion.
They have a whole city on their head, but I dunno who lives there!
This was the first Ozwomp-style character! Likes to spin around!
Yandez doesn't know much about having a good time, but they are very trustworthy!