We went to see a giant cherry on a spoonbridge in a sculpture garden in Minneapolis. We went to the institute of art and laughed at all the paintings. Hung out at the Mall of America, which has an aquarium in it and a theme park. Ate like nothing but drive through Mc Donald's, almost hit a bald eagle with the truck. The only reason we used the truck was because L crashed her car like 5 times the week before so it was MIA. We stopped by her moms for a bit, I sat on the porch with her stepdad while she popped her brothers zits. Sitting by the fire pit with her stepdad, he asked me if I was a “tree climbing hippie” and informed me that New York and California were “not america”. After verifying like 4 times that I would not be driving L, he gave me a clear drink that tasted like cough syrup. Then L and her mom got in a big fight that seemed to mostly involve her mom arguing that “family is family”. We left abruptly when L ran off in tears. So I ordered pizza.